Thursday, April 9, 2009

Money: The Malevolent System of Our Bondage

We all have money, from the day we are born, in the form of savings accounts or trust funds, to the day we die when we leave money behind for others. We anxiously await our paychecks in hopes of saving, spending and splurging.
But where does the money come from?
The United State’s monetary system is as unique and intricate, as it is fallacious. To break it down into simplest terms, money is created out of debt. When the U.S. government wants money, they contact the Federal Reserve and request money. The Federal Reserve then requests the same amount in Government Bonds, or in layman’s terms, debt. The government prints emblems onto paper in exchange for different paper with different emblems. Once the transaction is complete, the U.S. dollars are now legal tender and deposited in a commercial banking system. This money is then lent out to borrowers who deposit the money into their bank account. But, this loan is not possible without interest.
In a sense, every dollar out there has been made with interest. The Federal Reserve charges interest for all money that is created. If all money is created with interest or growing debt, where is the money that will pay that interest off? Nowhere. That money doesn’t exist. The government has to continually withdraw more money with more interest, to pay off the debt that already exists, thus creating a cycle of perpetual debt and inflation.
So where does that leave the citizens? The way the system works is that all this money is controlled by the banks and if citizens fail to succeed, they can and will take property away. The money owed is greater than the actual money supply. This leads to foreclosures and bankruptcy, and essentially builds a caste system in our society.
The Federal Reserve creates money out of thin air; they put the government and, most importantly, the people in debt and cause inflation at dangerous levels. More importantly, the Federal Reserve is in direct violation to the United States Constitution. The Constitution states in Section 8: The Powers of Congress, “To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof.” This does not support the creation of a private institution, which created it’s own rules to abide by, to coin and regulate the money supply.
According to’s Inflation Calculator, since the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913, the value of a dollar has inflated 96%, leaving the value of a dollar back then equivalent to nearly $21 today. This rate of inflation just creates more loans, more debt and slavery to money, work and more work in order to live comfortably.
To go along with an old adage, “Knowledge is Power”, I would encourage all of you to go and read more. Read more of anything and everything, even if it contradicts everything you stand for; you must challenge yourself to see things in different ways. Maybe a better world, possibly even one without money.

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